My Books of the Year | 2015

Thursday, 31 December 2015

2015 was one of the best years for me in terms of reading great books. I read more than ever before and discovered some new series that I'm really excited for the sequels to. These were my top highlights:

The Winner's Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski
I read both The Winner's Curse and The Winner's Crime in early 2015 and the series has fast became one of my favourites. I love the relationship between Kestrel and Arin and the writing is so captivating. I am eagerly awaiting the release of The Winner's Kiss.

The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas
 I had been meaning to read Throne of Glass for so long and I'm so annoyed at myself for not starting sooner. Although, I'm also partly glad as it meant I got to binge read the already published books of the series before the release of Queen of Shadows in September. I am completely hooked on these characters.

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
I think it's safe to say that Sarah J. Maas has quickly become one of my favourite authors this year and A Court of Thorns and Roses really didn't disappoint. It's a lot sexier than Throne of Glass and has one of the most swoon-worthy romances.

Pretty much everything written by Rainbow Rowell
2015 is also the year that I fell even more in love with Rainbow Rowell's writing. I had previously read and loved Eleanor and Park and her short story Midnights in the anthology My True Love Gave to Me in 2014 and this year I connected with Cath in Fangirl and Lincoln in Attachments. I have yet to read her most recent release, Carry On, but it is at the top of my list for 2016.

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An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
I realised a massive love for fantasy in 2015 and An Ember in the Ashes was one that really pulled me into the genre. Set in an Ancient Rome like world, it was a total page-turner and I was so pleased to hear that after originally being a standalone, a sequel was bought and I get to delve back into this world in 2016.

The Queen of the Tearling & The Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
This series is definitely a love it or hate it one. The Queen of the Tearling had so many mixed reviews that I didn't know what to expect but I absolutely loved it. It's got royalty, politics and some dodgy characters who aren't all easy to like. The sequel The Invasion of the Tearling took the story in some directions that I didn't expect but the main character, Kelsea Glynn, is one of the most intriguing I have read about.

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson
The Art of Being Normal is easily one of the best contemporaries I have read this year. Excellent writing, diverse characters and multiple themes that are explored in a dignified and beautiful way with just the right amount of humour. I'll be recommending this one for a long time!


Did you read any of these books in 2015? What were your favourite reads of the year? Let me know!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm so in love with the Winner's Trilogy! I'm not ready for that ending though!
