Review: Hello, Goodbye, And Everything In Between by Jennifer E. Smith

Monday, 7 September 2015

Title: Hello, Goodbye, And Everything In Between
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Release Date: September 1st, 2015
Goodreads | Book Depository
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Headline and Bookbridgr.
One night. A life-changing decision. And a list...

Of course Clare made a list. She creates lists for everything. That's just how she is.

But tonight is Clare and Aidan's last night before college and this list will decide their future, together or apart.

It takes them on a rollercoaster ride through their past - from the first hello in science class to the first conversation at a pizza joint, their first kiss at the beach and their first dance in a darkened gymnasium - all the way up to tonight.

A night of laughs, fresh hurts, last-minute kisses and an inevitable goodbye.

But will it be goodbye forever or goodbye for now?

Hello, Goodbye, And Everything In Between is a story that takes place in one night as Clare and Aidan try to figure out what their future is: staying together in a long distance relationship or breaking up. Clare makes a list of nostalgic places for them to go to as they revisit their time together before making a final decision.

This is a cute story that I think a lot of people in today's modern age can relate to but the characters are a different story. I didn't like Clare at all but I did genuinely like Aiden which salvaged it a lot.

I just really couldn't warm to Clare. She comes across as very cold and she has pretty much already decided that a long distance relationship isn't going to work without even properly considering it. They have been together for two years but she refuses to say "I love you" because she only wants to say those words to one person in her life. I'm sorry but life is just too short for that. He loves you, you love him, just say it. It wasn't cute or endearing, it was a bit immature to be honest.

Aiden, on the other hand, was lovely. He was committed to their relationship and didn't want to make a hasty decision. I actually felt a bit sorry for him as he appeared to put so much into their relationship but get very little in return. He also had a tough home life which I pitied him for. Maybe it was Aiden's openness and the fact he was so charming and adorable that made Clare more unlikeable to me.

I loved the ending; it was beautiful. I thought it was a really sweet way of starting a new chapter. Overall, this was mostly an enjoyable read and I'll probably check out Jennifer's other books.


  1. Oh gosh, I despise girls who don't say "I love you" and waits for the guy to make all the moves. I wish they'd have more confidence, instead of being too scared to confess their feelings in a relationship. Glad you liked the ending of it, this definitely sounds like something to pick up for a lighthearted romance read.

    Olivia @ Fictionally Obsessed

    1. It annoys me too! I mean, he's being saying "I love you" for a long time and she feels exactly the same so why she can't just say it I don't know. I don't think it's a problem to just live in the moment when you're in a relationship, it might not last forever but enjoy it whilst it's happening! It's definitely something I would recommend as a lighthearted quick read. :)

  2. It sounds like a fairly decent read but I don't think I'll kill myself to get around to reading it. Nice review!

    1. Haha sounds like a good plan! Thank you :)
