List Review: Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Monday, 31 August 2015

Title: Heir of Fire
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Release Date: September, 2014
Goodreads | Book Depository
Consumed by guilt and rage, Celaena can't bring herself to spill blood for the King of Adarlan. She must fight back...

The Immortal Queen will help her destroy the king - for a price. But as Celaena battles with her darkest memories and her heart breaks for a love that could never last, can she fulfil the bargain and head the almighty court of Terrasen? And who will stand with her?

I'm glad I decided to do list reviews for the Throne of Glass series rather than "proper" reviews because if I had to attempt to write one of those for this book it would pretty much just be "Read it. Read it now." accompanied by a whole bunch of gifs. Instead I've been taking notes of my thoughts as I read, which actually become less meaningful as I go because I'm just so wrapped up in the action that I don't want to stop to write down something eloquent.

I have successfully managed to avoid all spoilers for this series but I did know I was going to meet someone called Rowan in this book who I have seen get a looot of love so I was really excited to be introduced to him.

My thoughts during reading (beware of spoilers if you haven't read the book):
  • Poor Celaena, she is so broken and depressed.
  • Ohh here is Rowan. Very mysterious and quiet. I'm looking forward to him opening up.
  • It seems that Chaol and Dorian's friendship is still strained. Such a shame :( I just want them to talk about everything together. Come on guys, two heads are better than one!
  • Aedion Ashryver is so arrogant and annoying. His resemblance to Celaena is dangerous and I wonder how long it will be until Dorian figures it out. I suspect there may be more to him given his resemblance to Celaena. 
  • Ohh is this a new love interest for Dorian? Sorscha seems nice and the fact she is keeping so many secrets for him, Chaol and Celaena - without them even knowing - is a good sign. As long as she can continue to do so. Dorian deserves to be happy <3. 
  • It's not often that we see Celaena scared so the fact Maeve can make her feel that way means she must be terrifying. Intrigued about the training Celaena will be receiving from Rowan and how this is going to affect her mission from the king. 
  • Manon and the witches is an interesting perspective to have this time around. I do prefer the Chaol, Dorian and Celaena perspectives more so far though.
  • Ugh, Chaol's father. Pig.
  • Dorian is so sweet <3 I'm really liking the relationship that's developing between him and Sorscha. I hope I don't regret this!
  • I'm still not sure if I trust Aedion but it'll be interesting to see how he and Chaol work together. It's nice to see Chaol working with the rebels and doing so much to help Celaena. I really hope she finds out all he is doing for her.
  • Oh we're seeing a nice side to Rowan now and beginning to learn more about him. It is very early days but I can start to see why people love him so much.
  • I'm so glad the bait wyvern (Abraxos) fought back and proved himself to be a warrior. I always feel so bad for creatures that are attacked so badly (stemming from my love for animals) and I hope he ends up being the best of them all.
  • Interesting to have a snippet of Celaena's childhood through her dream/memory. And a young Aedion is present too. I hope Aedion is a good guy but I'm just not 100% sure yet.
  • Rowan, you absolute idiot. Just as I was warming to you, you had to go and be so horrible. :/
  • Rowan has redeemed himself <3 (thankfully!). I like him but I really hope Celaena isn't going to forget about Chaol. Moving on to part two, Heir of Fire, now!
  • Giant spiders that talk! Just imagine that. Ugh. 
  • Completely swooning over Rowan and Celaena right now <3 I really hope there's a future for Celaena and Chaol though. Rowan is nice but my heart is with Chaol.
  • An uprising! Finally! Things are about to start really going down. 
  • Ohh a betrayer. I wonder who! I like a good betrayal.
  • Young Celaena and Dorian <3 but the king.. he used his powers on Celaena when she was a child. What a bastard.
  • Oh how I love it when Celaena is her badass self. I love that she knocked down Maeve. It's a nice touch that she got the tattoos from Rowan too and I'm so relieved he has been freed from Maeve as that means more of him!
  • Oh fuck! The king knows... Oh my god!
  • Well, fucking hell! The final chapters of these books are absolutely my favourite. The revelations, the twists, all the things I just don't see coming. So, so good. I'm so excited to see Celaena where she belongs. 
That was crazy! I absolutely love it when shit goes down in the last moments of these books. I'm glad I didn't have to wait a whole year between them though because that would have been torture. I don't know how I'm going to cope after Queen of Shadows.

And because I can't resist a good gif, this is pretty much my reaction in the last chapters:

You can read my thoughts for the other books in the series here: Throne of Glass / Crown of Midnight


  1. I love how you organized your thoughts on the book into a list! Sometimes it's hard to write a coherent review on books that involve a lot of feels and I think this was very clever c:

    Annie @ Indoor Sojourner

    1. Thank you! Books that involve a lot of feels and you just really loved are definitely hard to review! I just want to tell everyone to read it immediately haha. It means I could just read it without worrying about what to say afterwards too :)

  2. And again I am the only person who hasn't read this. I'm really hoping to enjoy this series because I know despite all the great reviews--I tend to be the odd ball out. Loved your review!

    1. I am really late to the bandwagon! It's never too late to jump on! :) I know what you mean though, it makes me nervous to read a book that everyone loves as you just never know if you're going to love it too. Thank you!

  3. I loved Heir of Fire and I really enjoyed Rowan opening up and becoming Celaena's loyal friend. Although they're more of loyal friends than lovers, I do still ship them together :) Glad you loved HoF and I can't wait to read Queen of Shadows!

    Olivia @ Fictionally Obsessed

    1. I really enjoyed seeing Rowan become more open too. I think it's nice for Celaena to have a friend like him who has also been through a lot of battles. I think I'll just always ship her with Chaol more! I can't wait to read Queen of Shadows either, I'm just about to start! :D

    2. Oh GOSH. Queen of Shadows. I'm about 400 pages in, and it's really NOT was I was expecting. You won't be prepared ;) Hope you like it though!!

    3. I'm 300 pages in and my ship is totally sinking haha :( I'm still enjoying it though! I'm aiming to finish this weekend (hopefully today!)
