The Smoke Thieves | Sally Green | Published May 3rd, 2018
Source: I recieved a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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I mostly enjoyed The Smoke Thieves and the new world that Sally Green has created.
Look, it’s no secret that I’m a sucker for a royal setting in a fantasy. Add in a forbidden romance and I’m pretty much hooked. It’s for this reason that Catherine and Ambrose’s perspectives were my favourite. Becoming accustomed to a new court, evil family members, going on the run, royal politics and war. It’s my crack. I loved it.
The other perspectives, however... some were better than others. The story opens with a young girl, Tash, chasing demons with her partner Gravell to catch their smoke. It was a very slow beginning and I did contemplate giving up at one point. I really struggled to connect with the story and I think there may have been a stronger viewpoint to open with. I get that the idea was probably to introduce us to who and what “Smoke Thieves” relates to though.
March is a servant who serves the king responsible for destroying his home kingdom and the people in it. He comes across an opportunity for revenge and goes in search of the king’s bastard son Eydon. I didn’t really care for March either way but I did like Eydon and the fact he was a little naive. I also liked the growing relationship between March and Eydon as their journey progressed.
Overall, I think parts of this book were great and paced well. Other parts were really slow and I think there were probably too many different view points. After being really disappointed with the ending of the Half Bad trilogy (sorry to bring it up!) I was hoping to love this and while I didn’t quite reach that level, I did enjoy most of it and I’ll be picking up the sequel.
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