Review: Perfect by Cecelia Ahern

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

  Perfect (Flawed #2) | Cecelia Ahern | Published April 6th, 2017
Source: I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Goodreads | Book Depository

I've been looking forward to this sequel for a long time and it certainly didn't disappoint!

I was really impressed with Celestine’s character development. I found her to be very naive in Flawed and quite dumb at times. Her inability to see certain things in front of her was tiring at times. In Perfect, however, she is a lot smarter. She's not as oblivious to what is happening around her and is constantly making smart decisions and plans. It doesn't always run smoothly, of course, but it's not down to her own misjudgements or naivety. I really enjoyed reading Celestine this time around and loved that she came to fully embrace her actions and the consequences.

The story follows on from where Flawed leaves us and it was really easy to fall back into the story. One of the strongest parts of this society, for me, is the fact it's not so different from our own. It's easy to imagine a system like the Guild being implemented into today’s society (especially given recent politics). I also found the comparisons to concentration camps a great inclusion. I mean.. not great, obviously, but it makes for uncomfortable reading as you ponder if society could really return to a time like that.

I didn't realise that this series was only going to be a duology and for the world to be so immersive, and for so much action to be packed in without feeling rushed, is really impressive. It certainly didn't feel like a 400+ pages book as I was racing through it.

Perfect is full of twists, action and suspense. The pace never slows and there's always something happening to keep you on your toes. I enjoyed this sequel so much more than its predecessor, Flawed, and I only wish the series was longer! If you liked The Hunger Games and Divergent then you definitely need this duology on your TBR.

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